St. John Bosco HS 2010-2011


You are the owner of a SCUBA diving academy.  In order to make sure none of your divers get sick or die due to scuba diving, you need to make your diving students aware of the gas laws that affect diving, such as Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, Combined Gas Law, Ideal Gas Law, and others like: Dalton's Law and Henry's Law.


You will use the gas laws to prevent your divers from getting "The Bends," air embolisms, and oxygen toxicity.  In order to do this, you will:

  • Determine what SCUBA stands for and how it works.
  • Identify the different laws.
  • Define "the bends," air embolisms, and oxygen toxicity.
  • Put together a tri-fold pamphlet to distribute to your divers.  The pamphlet must have a title page and an introduction to SCUBA page.  It should also contain one page each for "the bends," air embolisms, and oxygen toxicity.  These pages should contain an explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law, physiology, symptoms, and treatment.  You may decide what to do with the remaining page.


  1. Next, take a look at the provided web sites to get some basic information on "the bends," air embolisms, and oxygen toxicity.  Also, look at the web pages and your notes to make the connections with the gas laws.
  2. Start putting your pamphlet together.  Use Microsoft Publisher to make a pamphlet/brochure. Remember that you need the following pages:
    • Title with your name, the name of your SCUBA Diving Academy
    • an introduction to SCUBA page
    • one page each for "the bends," air embolisms, and oxygen toxicity.  
    • one page that is up to you (this is your chance to be creative or give extra information)
  3. Make sure that you give credit to any web page or book author whose information you used in your pamphlet.  You may also use pictures from the web, but once again, you must give credit.
  4. Turn in your pamphlet ON TIME!


Gas Laws:
  • ***Cool online labs experiments***



A     Neatly typed, organized.  All five required pages are present, 6th page shows creativity and/or extra interesting information, Information on       illnesses and gas laws is accurate, appropriate, and complete (explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law and physiology, symptoms, and treatment)

B     Neatly typed, organized.   All five required pages are present, 6th page shows creativity and/or extra interesting information, Information on illnesses and gas laws is accurate, appropriate, and mostly complete (At least 3 of the following 4 topics is present: explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law and physiology, symptoms, and treatment)

C     Neatly typed, organized.   At least five of the 6 pages are present, Information on illnesses and gas laws is mostly accurate, appropriate, and complete (At least 3 of the following 4 topics is present: explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law and physiology, symptoms, and treatment)

D     Neatly typed or handwritten, somewhat organized.   At least four of the 6 pages are present, Information on illnesses and gas laws is mostly accurate, appropriate, and complete (At least 2 of the following 4 topics is present: explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law and physiology, symptoms, and treatment)

F     Typed or handwritten, lack of organization.   Only three of the 6 pages are present, Information on illnesses and gas laws is lacking in accuracy, appropriateness, and completeness (Only 2 of the following 4 topics is present: explanation of the condition using the appropriate gas law and physiology, symptoms, and treatment)


Type a reflection that articulates what you've learned as a result of this WebQuest and how you can apply it.

Parameters for the paper: Microsoft Word; 1>pages; double-spaced; Times New Roman Font; Font Size 12; 1" margins; Name, Date, Period in the Header